Shit, if you called it album of the last millenium, I wouldn't be mad. From 96-99 me n my boys used to bump tracks 1-6(Two Dope Boyz - Elevators) every listening/drinking/smoking/chilling session, about three times in a row and then somebody would say "now put on Still Standing".
Maybe I'm growing up, getting slow feet, pot belly and all that, cause now I start at Ova Da Wudz. It's all about Mainstream, Millenium n Growing Old these days.
Honestly tho', it has 13 great tracks from the greatest rap group of all time.
I remember my local newspaper slamming it in their review, and I send the dude an e-mail that prolly had more expletives than verbs. Well, I was right!
Elevators and Jazzy Belle